Journal Entry 20 Serif and Sans
This image is a a example of a serif font. The red circle are showing why. A serif font has little edges at the ends of the letters. Sans...
Journal Entry 19 Leading/Tracking/Baseline Shift
Leading is basiclly measuring out how long one baseline of text will be. Tracking is like kerning but with groups of text and not just...
Journal Entry 18 Kerning/Character rotation/Anti-Aliasing
Kerning is changing the space between characters. you can change it using that setting. Character rotation is exactly what it sounds...
Journal Entry 17 Font/Font Styles/Font Size
Font is how the text will look. Its like different writing styles. Font Size is how big the text will be. The smaller the number the...
Journal Entry 16 RGB and CMYK
CMYK stands for cyan, Magenta, yellow, and key. RGB stands for red, green, blue. These are different color modes. these colors are...
Journal Entry 15 FPO
FPO stands for "For Placement only". The is used to have place holders. I use place holders to know how much space something is going to...